Using Viper With Consul to Configure Golang Applications

Benjamin Cane
7 min readMay 24, 2021

Recently I wanted to revamp one of my side projects go-quick. This project is a boilerplate web application meant to be a starting point for Go apps. Previously, I wrote a custom config package within the project to pull configuration from Environment Variables as per the 12 Factor Apps manifest. But, I wanted to expand how users can configure my project.

Enter HashiCorp Consul. Consul is open source and solves many of the platform pain points of running modern applications. One of those is dynamic configuration via its distributed key-value store. With Consul, applications can boot up using Consul as the remote source of their configuration. These applications can also periodically pull and update their configuration parameters from Consul.

This dynamic update happens without a restart, something not possible with the traditional Environment Variable-based configuration. But this article isn’t about Consul; this article is about Viper.

Why Viper

The goal of my boilerplate project is to provide an easy-to-use starter Go application. While many would be happy to have a Consul-backed configuration baked in, not everyone uses Consul. Many users, especially those just starting in Go, will most likely choose a more straightforward configuration method. Like Environment Variables.

Since I need to support configuring the application in multiple ways (Environment Variables, Consul, maybe even a JSON file), I needed a much more robust configuration library, like spf13/viper.

Viper is a Go package that aims to be a complete configuration library. It allows users to use multiple sources for configuration and even use them together. This capability is what I want; as such, I decided to replace my custom configuration package with Viper. But in doing so, I found out that using Viper with Consul wasn’t as straightforward as I thought.

This article will show how my project uses Viper and what you need to do to make Viper work with Consul.

Getting Started

Before we jump into the Viper configuration, it will help to go through how my project is structured. Much like my command-line application structure article outlines, the main application code exists within an app package. This app package has both a Run() and a Stop() function for starting and stopping the application.

However, unlike my command-line example, I tend to create a cmd/<application-name> directory for the main package for an application service. I make this structure because, unlike a command-line application. I do not expect anyone to try and use go get to install my application service, and I find it a little cleaner for application services.

The below tree command shows my project structure before starting with Viper.

Now that we’ve explored the application structure, the first thing we need to do is replace the go-quick/config package with Viper. Since the current package pulls configurations from Environment Variables, we will initially set up Viper to do the same thing. Once that's working, we will move on to more complex aspects.

To start within the app package, we will change cfg from a config.Config type to *viper.Viper.

With this change, references further in the application code to the cfg variable will also need to change. References such as cfg.ListenerAddr() will need to change to cfg.GetString("listener_addr"). But we will address that later. We will now adjust how we initialize Viper and pass it to the Run() function.

Loading Config from Env

First, we need to initialize Viper creating a *viper.Viper object within the main package. Once we've done that, we can add the code required to tell Viper to load configuration from the environment and use the ReadInConfig() function to have Viper find and load configuration from Files and Environment.

In the above, we created a *viper.Viper object using the New() function. We also told Viper to allow empty environment variables by calling AllowEmptyEnv() with a true parameter. But an important item to be mindful of is the use of SetEnvPrefix() with the app value.

By default, when Viper loads configuration from the environment, it will take all environmental variables and make them available as config. This option can be helpful for some situations, but I elected to change this behavior for my project.

Using the SetEnvPrefix() function, we set Viper up to only load environment variables with an APP_ prefixed. With this setup, an item such as APP_DEBUG will convert to debug.

I prefer to use the prefix method because it allows me to have finer control over what environment variables become configuration. But either way works; this is more of a preference vs. a practice argument.

Loading Config from File

While not my favorite method of managing config, many people still use configuration files for their applications. Since I want my project to be usable in many environments, it also makes sense to set it up to support configuration files.

Luckily, doing this with Viper is pretty simple; all it takes is calling the AddConfigPath() function.

In the above, I used the AddConfigPath() function to tell Viper by default to look through a ./conf directory for any config files. Viper's notable in that users can create this directory and place any config file they want, JSON, YAML, TOML, or even Java Properties files. Viper figures it out.

However, when adding file support to Viper, I found when no config files exist, the ReadInConfig() function will return an error with the viper.ConfigFileNotFoundError type. This error can throw off error checking, especially if you apply the philosophy of shutting down the application when it cannot load config.

To handle this better, I added a simple switch statement that checks the error type allowing me to take the error and log a warning if the file is not found, but exit if there is a fundamental configuration error.

Loading Config from Consul

Using Viper to load configuration from Files and Environment Variables is reasonably straightforward. But adding Consul is where things are a bit more confusing, especially if you’ve used Consul in the past.

When I first attempted to use Viper with Consul, it took me quite a bit of time to figure out what I was doing wrong. The problem ended up being that I wasn’t loading the configuration into Consul the way Viper expects it.

Traditionally with Consul, when you add configuration items, they are each counted as a unique key. Consul supports a key path with many subkeys allowing users to manage each configuration key and value independently. For example, a “debug” config parameter would have a key of go-quick/config/debug, and its value would be true. A "trace" would be go-quick/config/trace, and its value would be false.

With Viper, it expects one key, go-quick/config, and the value of that key is a JSON, YAML, or another supported format. Rather than having each parameter be a unique key, you must load a string that Viper can parse and understand.

To explain this easier, let’s look at the Consulator config file I use with my project.

Consulator is a handy utility that will read a YAML file (in this case) and load the contents of that YAML file as keys into Consul. In this example, we can see that the key go-quick/config is populated with a string that happens to be a JSON.

Viper will read this JSON, parse it and then apply the values within it. What this means is we can access the from_consul value as cfg.GetBool("from_consul").

Once we load the configuration into Consul, the way Viper expects, adding Consul support is pretty straightforward.

To configure Viper to use pull from Consul, we need to use the AddRemoteProvider() function, providing it with the Consul address and a key path, both of which I pull from Environment Variables in my example. Before this function works, however, we much first use a blank import to add the Remote Provider functionality to Viper.

With the Consul address and key path loaded, we also need to use the SetConfigType() function to tell Viper which type of format to expect from Consul. Since our example used a string of JSON text, we will set this to json.

Once everything is ready, we can call the ReadRemoteConfig() function to tell Viper to read and load the configuration from Consul. If Viper found any issues pulling the structure from Consul, it would be returned as an error here.

Watching Consul for Updates

One of the critical benefits of Consul is the ability to change configuration dynamically. However, by default, Viper doesn’t reload configuration changes from Consul. We can, however, add this capability by setting up a scheduled task to reload the configuration.

In the example above, I used the madflojo/tasks package to create a scheduled task that will call the WatchRemoteConfig() function when executed. This function will pull the latest configuration from Consul and update the internal Viper configuration values.

With this recurring task scheduled, we now have a dynamically updated configuration backed by Consul.

Other Parameters of Consul

In the example above, Viper asks for the Consul address and the Key Path. However, users who know Consul well may notice that there is no specification for a Consul Token. The good news is while Viper itself doesn’t ask for these parameters; underneath the covers, Viper uses the Consul API package. That means we can use standard environment variables such as CONSUL_HTTP_TOKEN to authenticate with Consul.

To see the list of available environment variables for Consul API, we can reference its Go Documentation.


This article covered how to add Viper to an existing application and use Viper to load configuration from multiple sources, including Consul. While this article focused on Consul, readers can easily use the examples to connect to other Remote Providers like etcd.

Originally published at

